#4 : Electronic services in real estate management.Property calculator

#4 : Electronic services in real estate management.Property calculator

#4 : Electronic services in real estate management.Property calculator

The electronicization of the services provided by the State Service for Real Estate Affairs under the Ministry of Economy in the field of real estate registration, the application of innovative methods in this field allows for the simplification of procedures and the increase of citizen satisfaction. One of the electronic services applied in this direction is "Property calculator".

Based on the simple usability of the "Real Estate Calculator", a citizen can enter the location, area, and other required technical indicators of the real estate and obtain information about the final amount related to the service fee and fee. Through the service, it is possible to flexibly calculate in advance the state fee and service fee related to obtaining an extract, obtaining a technical passport, assigning an address to real estate, providing address information and other services. Acceleration of all transactions depending on the citizen's request and preparation of documents are also possible.

The "Property Calculator" electronic service provides more rational opportunities for citizens to conveniently and quickly obtain an extract from their property, as well as to conduct other legal transactions related to property. Knowing the exact amount in advance allows users to choose the most optimal option for themselves and make the desired decision about whether to start documentation or not. Application of electronic service saves additional time for those who will use property registration services, increases transparency and efficiency in the process.

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